Online Casinos and Gambling Articles

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Understanding the Social and Moral Effects of Online Gambling

A lot of arguments have been tossed around about the purported averse effects of online gambling. However, these arguments have not really been as thoroughly discussed as they should have been, which is probably a good reason why coming up with a good solution for these effects have not even been discussed. In the hopes of undoing or solving the negative effects of online gambling, you first have to accept its inevitable presence. Being against the presence of online gambling will not really save you the trouble of the negative effects that are bound to happen.


Societal Discrimination

Most people are predetermined to dislike online gambling. That is why the presence of online gambling can evoke much societal discrimination – between the body that tolerates online gambling and the other body that argues otherwise. This is true in most situations. For example, a government that allows online gambling will certainly be in conflict with groups that are against the presence of such, the same way a government that strictly restricts online gambling is bound to be discriminated against by groups that are for online gambling. In the end, the best solution for this is compromise. By compromise, this may mean the presence of land-based casinos or the allowance of online casinos, for a higher tax rate.


Moral Compromise

For some people, giving in to online gambling means compromising the morals with which they have grown up with. This may mean a total shift in the values of a certain culture. For example, if a culture characterized with moral conservativeness suddenly accepts online gambling, then you will expect this value of moral conservativeness to be compromised to a certain extent, and, at the end day, cause a trickle down effect to all other factors that may not even have any concern with online gambling.


Culture of Secrecy

Another bad effect of online gambling points out to the very notion with which it is connoted - secrecy. Unlike land-based casinos, online gambling can be played by people at the most covert situations. Anyone connected to you may be addicted to online gambling, and you may have no idea about it at all. This is exactly the kind of culture that online gambling can promote – with people finding more ingenious ways to conduct their addictive acts without being known or reprimanded by the public eye. In the end, this kind of effect is far harder to solve than land-based casino addiction.



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