Double Exposure Blackjack - Play Free Online Casino Games

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Double Exposure Blackjack


Double Exposure Blackjack

Double Exposure Blackjack is basically a variation of the popular classic casino game, Blackjack. The objective of the game is to beat the hand of the dealer by getting a hand that is closer to 21.


The Double Exposure Blackjack Rules

Pretty much almost every rule of the classic blackjack game is adapted in this variation. Of course, there are a number of major differences such as the dealer's cards are both face up. Also, unlike blackjack wherein a tie means that the player wins, in this case, the dealer automatically wins when a tie is called. Also, when a player gets a blackjack, the amount of cash he wins is strictly equal to his initial bet. Players will also be given the chance to split bets only once. Aside from these major differences, there may also be a number of variations to the rules such as when getting blackjacks, tied hands usually can be pushed or the win can go to the player. Depending on the casino you're at, the game may or may not let the player double after the split. The player will also be given the chance to double down on any first two cards. Also, although the original rule of the game is to only let players split once, some casinos and games let the player split more than once.


Playing the Double Exposure Blackjack Game

Keeping the rules in mind, you can say that the game gives the house a bit more edge compared to the different variations of the classic game. Once the game is played appropriately however, it can turn out to be a much more exciting and fun game compared to the different variations.

The game is played exactly like the standard blackjack variations that you may have encountered. First, the player bets, then the dealer deals two cards to the player and a couple for himself as well. The player then can decide on to hit, stand, double down, or split. The player will not be able to make use of the insurance feature as the dealer's cards are already face up. Depending on who has the hand that is closer to 21, he wins the game. Also, remember that if the player gets a blackjack, he automatically wins, but the payout is only 1:1 as compared to the other variations where the player wins 2:1 or 6:5. The game will present a new playing experience even for those who are veterans in the world of blackjack gaming.


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